Reticulum is a distributed image and thumbnail server.
When building web applications that allow users to upload images, one faces a number of challenges.
A naive approach is to allow the users to upload the image file, dump it into a directory on the same server as the web-server, and the provide a way to access the uploaded image via a URL. Almost immediately, you will realize that users can and will upload images of any size and you can’t just serve the full-size images. You will almost certainly want to scale the images down to reasonable web size. Probably even more than one size, as it’s common to have a medium sized view of the image as well as small thumbnails for index pages. A typical response to this is to, when accepting the upload, use Imagemagick, PIL or something similar to create a couple scaled versions of the images and save those alongside the original image. This may be good enough for many applications. In my experience though, I run into trouble when the design of the site changes and then different size thumbnails are needed than what were originally created. For design flexibility, I’ve been impressed with the approach of sorl.thumbnail, a popular Django image thumbnailing library. Sorl provides a template tag (and model field type) where the designer can specify the dimensions of the thumbnail to generate in the HTML templates and sorl creates that thumbnail as the page loads (if necessary). The downside to that approach is that it requires the directory of images to be at least mounted by the web application server (if not just on the same disk). For even moderately large or high traffic sites, it is problematic to couple the image/file server and application server so tightly. It also requires PIL, a fairly heavyweight Python library to be compiled and installed on the app server and loaded into memory.
Image upload directories with a fair number of images and derived thumbnails also tend to have large numbers of files and directories and can become fairly tricky to efficiently backup and/or replicate for higher availability.
For addressing replication and high availability, I’ve experimented with Tahoe-LAFS, a web-based distributed filesystem. I like Tahoe-LAFS for many applications, but it does not deal well with this image serving use-case since files stored in Tahoe-LAFS are not directly available as files on a filesystem that can be accessed by the resizing libraries. If images are stored in Tahoe, to resize them, they must be downloaded via HTTP GET (which involves decrypting and de-erasure coding them), resized, and then inserted back into the grid via HTTP POST (which involves encrypting and erasure coding them). The latency involved in that pretty much requires the approach of scaling the images to preset sizes beforehand (and losing that sorl style design flexibility).
System Description
Reticulum attempts to address these issues and achieve a good balance.
Reticulum runs as one or more nodes (probably on seperate servers) with an HTTP/REST interface. The nodes are aware of each other and will distribute the storage of images between themselves in an intelligent fashion. Any image stored in the grid can be retrieved through any node in the grid. Images are retrieved via HTTP by their id, which is a short string hash of the contents of the full-size image, and a size specification. It looks something like this:
- a “client” web application accepts an image upload from a user, and POSTs that image file to one of the reticulum nodes that it knows about.
- the reticulum node stores the image to one or more nodes in the grid and gives the client the image id for later retrieval
- the client saves that image id (probably in a database somewhere). It’s just a tiny text string, so that’s easy.
- the display/view/template layer of the client application, on a page where that image is to be displayed, just constructs a URL pointing to an reticulum node with the image id and a size specification and puts that URL into the src of an image tag.
- the user’s browser loads the page, parses out the image tag and makes a GET request to the reticulum node
- the reticulum node retrieves the image either from it’s own local storage or from another node in the grid that has it, scales it to the requested size (if necessary), and serves it to the browser.
The advantages of this approach:
- image storing/serving/resizing is separated from the main application server, allowing you to scale those resources separately and/or differently
- design flexibility for thumbnail size is retained (no batch resize scripts to write)
- the cluster can be nicely load-balanced (nginx’s load balancing and caching is a winner here)
- the cluster handles replication and high availability automatically (it uses a distributed hash table to spread image copies between nodes in a stable, efficient manner). If you have enough nodes and enough replication, you might not need extra backup solutions.
- The cluster supports easy dynamic adding and dropping of nodes. (The approach is inspired by Riak and Amazon’s Dynamo model).
- The cluster scales out linearly.
- A cluster of reticulum nodes can handle more images than would fit on a single disk.
- Since the interface is all HTTP, you can use it with any web application/framework written in any language. If you change your application or rewrite, you don’t have to also change/rewrite your image scaling/serving.
Implementation Details
Written in Go.
Images ids are just SHA1 hashes of the contents of the images. Images are stored on disk in a directory structure based on the hash (ie, no database hits required to check if the node has an image).
Inter-node communication is HTTP. Nodes “gossip” with the other nodes they are aware of to keep the entire cluster updated about all nodes’ status.
Known Issues
Please use the github issue tracker.
Future Roadmap